
Printfest was founded in 2001 and is the UK’s foremost artist-led printmaking festival. Printfest is a showcase of rare and contemporary prints, displayed in the company of some of the UK’s most established and prolific print makers. It is an environment rich for learning as printmakers gather and share all they know from working in the industry.  There is obviously the opportunity to purchase what is on offer and to learn more about printmaking.

The Printfest weekend is held each May bank holiday at the Coronation Hall, Ulverston, Cumbria.

The schedule looks something like this:

  • Thursday 27th April, 6-7.30pm - Two talks from Jason Hicklin and the ever popular Fouzia Zafar. The event is free but booking is essential.
  • Friday 28th April, 7-9pm -  A day of viewing open to all who contact the organisers prior for a ticket purchase.
  • Saturday 29th April, 10am-5pm - This day will feature over 40 of the industry’s finest, discussing their work.
  • Sunday 30th April, 10am-4pm -This day will feature over 40 of the industry’s finest discussing their work. Culminates in the presentation of the Visitors’ Choice Award and Printmakers’ Printmaker Award is presented.

For further details head over to PrintFest's Website