More? - The Artisan Bakery

For the very best in artisan baked goods, check out More? The Artisan Bakery, Mill Yard, Staveley in Kendal.

More? is a great day out and a great chance to pick up the very best in local treats.

More? The Artisan Bakery, creates a delicious range of artisan breads, seasonal desserts and patisserie. Each offering is hand crafted with care and diligence, to deliver the best in taste and quality.

A trip to this little known treasure could not be more picturesque. Tucked away in the South Lakes village of Staveley, a trip to the award winning bakery involves a pleasant journey through iconic, green pastures.

Each slice of bread and patisserie is crafted from the best in local, natural ingredients, in-keeping with the traditional approach to artisan baking. Old styles and techniques, replace the quick, corner-cutting modern approaches that new technologies encourage.

If you're a foodie, a bread connoisseur, or if you just love to wake up to locally-produced daily bread, More? is right up your street.

For more information check out  Or contact 01539 822297